Things I like about my husband:
He still wakes up early with the kids every other morning and gives them their bath every other night. It's my understanding that many dads don't do this, and I can tell you- it rocks.
His default emotion is joyful/content.
He is boyishly charming in his enthusiasm for Texas Longhorn football, and I get to cash in on that with season tickets and trips to Dallas for TX/OU.
He'd rather read than watch TV (which gives me free reign over the DVR).
He does nothing to excess.
He takes care of lawn and car maintenance, which I hate doing myself (Okay, I have never actually mowed a lawn, but I feel certain that it sucks).
Everywhere that he has worked, patients bring him gifts for holidays, and take the time to tell me how well he takes care of them. He is kind and generous with people.
He's really tall, and can reach things on the top shelf for me.
If he "can't think of anything else", he gives spa packages at Lake Austin as gifts.
He restricts his commentary to rolling his eyes when I drive over curbs (to see the value in this, you should know that I do it CONSTANTLY).
Okay, there's a lot more I like about him, but you get the idea. I ended up with a better partner than I could have ever imagined for myself, and certainly a better man than I deserve. We started dating only a few weeks before he graduated, and only a few weeks after he ended a long-term relationship. I felt sure that I had missed my chance with him, and it makes me panic to think of all that I would have missed. That single blessing has led to pretty much all other blessings in my life, and I can never say how grateful I am. Corbin, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for every day we've had together. Here's to the next twelve and the next and the next. Happy Anniversary.