Monday, January 10, 2011

Vaccines? Still? Seriously.

So, I follow Autism Speaks on FB, but I'm going to have to stop looking at it. The new study in the news this morning, suggesting a link between closely-spaced pregnancies and autism, is causing the usual ruckus.

Folks, the study does NOT say that IF your kids are less than two years apart, they WILL be autistic. There is merely an increased risk/incidence, even after adjusting for age, race, education, etc. It is an area of scientific interest, not a scape-goat.

Nevertheless, the boards are lit up with angry parents fuming that we are being fed a pack of LIES. That somehow our boogey-man government is trying to "distract" us from the real problem (vaccinations, naturally). Look, I'm pissed that my kid has these difficulties to overcome, and I would like to know what the causes are too, but when I read these responses, it makes me feel even more alone.

I just don't understand why we are STILL talking about vaccines. The ONE "study" that showed a link of any kind was done by Andrew Wakefield. The study was retracted by the Lancet, Wakefield lost his medical license, and now it has been revealed that he deliberately falsified his results, in addition to having a conflict of interest (some of the participants were litigants in a suit against the vaccine manufacturer). And keep in mind, there were only 12 subjects in the study to begin with. AND, now children are dying of PREVENTABLE diseases. For. No. Reason.

Several parents made posts to the tune of: show me the studies comparing autism rates in vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated kids, and then I'll listen. Um. Okay. There are literally dozens, including a Japanese study (Honda, Shimizu, Rutter, 2005) with a gigantic sample size. Meanwhile, Wakefield's findings have NEVER been reproduced in ANY study, and if your findings can't be reproduced by your peers, you got junk.

I just don't understand the dedication to this issue, when it has been proven, again and again, that there is not a link. How many research dollars are we going to waste disproving this nonsense? There IS a cause (or, more likely, many), and we really need to move on find out what it is/they are.

I mean, is it just me? Anyone? Anyone?


  1. It's not just you.
    But you, my dear, are a scientist by training. And that makes all the are not swayed by Jenny McCarthy.

    Sigh. Hang in there and keep your voice of reason HEARD.

    ashley (can't sign into my blog account for some reason)

  2. I think you are the only parent of a kiddo with autism I know that doesn't believe it's the vaccines. Thanks for sharing this. All the talk about it actually gets me nervous when my kids get their vaccines.

  3. I have a friend who has one daughter and two sons, and both of her sons have been diagnosed as having autism though at varying degrees. She does not believe vaccines are to blame either. I appreciate your post because it reassures me that I'm making the right decision to have my children vaccinated.
